Dr. Cara Schroeder

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Healthy Smiles for Life

February is known as the month of love for Valentine's Day, but it is also National Children's Dental Health month. The American Academies of Pediatrics and Pediatric Dentistry and the American Dental Association (ADA) recommend each child be established in a dental home by the age of one. Baby teeth are important for many reasons, they hold the space for permanent teeth, the help with speech & chewing and taking care of them establishes good dental habits for your child.

Cavities are preventable. Your child is at risk for decay as soon as the first tooth appears due to bacteria in the mouth from food and drinks. Dental health is also linked with other health problems later in life such as heart disease, and difficulty controlling blood sugar. Basically our bodies are open system and inflammation travels from our mouths via our bloodstream to other parts of our body.

The best way to get your baby's smile off to a healthy start is to establish a dental home, encourage good dental habits, but most of all be a good dental role model because children learn what they see. Keep Smiling!

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